Monday, July 29, 2013

Not everything is easy to hear.

Today we visited the primary children at school.

The second school we went to had a wonderful principal who gave us water and bananas and loved talking with us.

When we walked in her office there was a little boy in there, not one of the Sascu kids, or dressed in  a uniform.

She told us that she had brought him in there to see if Dixon would take him to Sascu.

This little boy ran away from home, and ended up at this school.

She said she would take care of school fees until we found him a sponsor, but he needs somewhere to stay.

He was a sweet little boy, they gave him a mountain dew and a banana and he smiled and said thank you.

I asked him his name and he told me and how old he was.

I had the whiteboard with me so he wrote on it.

He smiled, he talked, he was a very sweet little boy. 

Alafa is on the far left, basically the only one not in a school uniform.

But here's where it gets bad, sad, nasty, horrible, whatever you want to call it.

She told us that if this little boy hadn't been there, he would be the "perfect" kid for child sacrifice.

He was the right age, 
and had no one, no one would miss him if he was gone.

It made me sick to my stomach, if he hadn't gotten there when he had, he could have been killed.

would have been. 

It makes me cringe just reading that, that's not right, and it's not easy to hear, but it's reality. It's horrible, but it's happening.

This little boy was 7 years old.

7 year olds should never be on the streets.

7 year olds should never be without a family that loves them.

7 year olds should never be alone.

and 7 year olds should never, ever, have to stay awake at night worrying about being killed. EVER.

7 year olds should live with a loving family, safe in a house with a roof over their head, going to school, always knowing someone REALLY cares about them, and falling asleep at night safe in bed.

This little boy was lucky, and not all of them are.

The worst part, is we have the ability to stop children from being killed, no, we can't save every child, I wish we could, but sadly it's not that easy.

But we can save other children like Alafa.

He is safe in bed at Sascu, the children welcomed him as their brother as soon as he got there, they were playing soccer when we left.

We can give other children like him a chance at life.

(Alafa also needs a sponsor, would you be willing to show this little boy that he is LOVED? and to help give him the life he deserves?)

1 comment:

  1. I write this comment as the tears stream down my face.

    How can this world be so cruel to someone so young?

    I don't understand.
