Sunday, August 4, 2013


I've seen a lot of "Currently" posts from other friends and bloggers lately, so since I haven't posted in the last few days I thought it would be the best way to catch up :)

  • Shopping for food at the market at the market - This is actually pretty cool, not something I'm used to, but definitely a neat experience. I don't take my camera, just in case, so I sadly don't have any pictures.
  • Doing crafts in the most orderly way possible - Yesterday we did crafts with the kids at SASCU, all our orderly and precise plans went out the window. The kids had a blast and that's all that matters. (Did you know super glue burns when it gets on your skin? Cause I didn't)
  • Singing and dancing to the hokey pokey - The hokey pokey and the hula song are the kids favorite games, we do it all the time and it's a lot of fun.
  • Talking to family online - Skype. is. the. best. 
  • Cuddling kiddos - This morning in church a little boy that I barely know fell asleep in my lap towards the end of the service and it took me 5 minutes to wake him up, sweet boy ♥
  • Taking pictures - Haven't posted many on here, maybe I'll do a miscellaneous photos post soon. I've taken a whole bunch, I'll need to find my camera cord though :/
  • Getting bags and shoes made - New products for sale when we get home!!! 
  • Learning Ugandan games - It's so much easier to have them teach us the games than to teach them American games, so we play a lot of Ugandan games.
  • Having our hair pulled a thousand different way - Rebekah reminded me of this one, the kids love to play with my hair and twist it and braid it, it HURTS. I had to stand up and walk away a couple times to give my scalp a rest. And I think they pulled out a lot of my hair....
  • Deciding it's okay to wear jeans - Usually I only wear skirts, but I'm kind of getting tired of that, I'm actually wearing jeans and a tshirt right now :)
  • Missing my friends - I've been seeing pictures on Instagram, I seriously miss my best friends more than I expected to, I missed one of our famous sleepovers Friday night. Feel like I'm missing so much.
  • Getting to see my Ugandan friends - I may be missing my American friends, but I got to spend time with my American-Ugandan friend/role model Emma a few days ago, it was amazing!
  • Thankful I'm not in pain - I pulled my shoulder partially out of socket a few days ago, It happened earlier this summer and it hurt for DAYS, I can't even feel it right now and I haven't even taken any medicine today. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me! 
  • On our way to Jinja!!!!! - Saved the best for last, we're on the road on the way to Jinja! I can't wait to see my babies!! Pictures soon, I promise!

Well I hope that satisfied you all for now, love to all!


  1. I love your blog Molly. It's AWESOME!!!!!

  2. hello, Molly! you must know that I consider you even sweeter than me when it comes to comments on Rosie/Kenz's blogs. congratulations! o-O you're talented. <3

    xx Les

    p.s. HOW did you get a customized count-down gadget?!

    1. HI! Well thank you very much, I try.
      I just looked at your blog and found that you are deleting your blogger profile, and before I can even get to know you! :O You seem really sweet, so email me anytime:
      Hope to talk to you soon!!
      xoxo Molly

      p.s. I looked it up on Google, took forever to try and find one that didn't have me pay to keep it. Don't know if I could find it again :/

  3. Ahhh I just loved hearing about what you've been up to Molly! :D I can't wait to see pictures. <3

