Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mirembe Cottage.

Have you ever wondered what a home for ex-street girls would look like?

Ever imagined it?

Ever thought they would be the sweetest most wonderful little girls you've ever met? 

The most loving and trusting kids that you've ever come across?

The most appreciative, happy children you know?

Because that's what the little girls at Mirembe Cottage are like.

Every single one of the little girls that live here have lived on the streets and every one of them has been assaulted, some of them multiple times.

They all had to go into hiding at night because it was so dangerous. 

The littlest of these girls is only 6 years old.

Many of them are under 10.

And yet, by the way they act, you'd never know.

You'd never think so unless you asked them.

They are so happy, it's amazing. These little girls have horrific pasts, and yet they laugh and dance and play just like any little girl would. 

Two of the days we've been there we gave them little gifts. The first day was some bracelets that I made and the second one was some little crosses that someone donated.

You'd have thought it was Christmas and they'd just gotten what they wanted more than anything in the world. 

Both times the cheered when we said we had something for them, when we told them I made the bracelets, they cheered even louder, it was the sweetest thing I've ever experienced in my life.

Well, maybe second best.
We do devotions with them at night, Rebekah reads a Bible story and we ask them questions about it. 
After that, they tell us their prayer requests.
Each of the things they said brought tears to my eyes.

Pray for the night guard, so he can keep them safe.

Pray for Uncle Daniel, that he would continue to be able to provide for them.

Pray that they would get sponsors for school.

Pray for Mandy's healing. (A little girl there who has polio in her leg)

Pray for the children still living on the streets, that they would be safe.

These girls have seen so much in their short lives, they know what it's like to not have a home, or anyone that loves them.
And now they have that, and they know what's important.

These little girls are the reason I'm in love with Uganda. 

They have never asked us for anything, not ever.

But, even if we're just passing by, they ask "Are you coming back later, are you coming back tomorrow???"

They just want to be loved. They want to know that we care about them.

Would you join me in praying for these beautiful little girls, and all the other children not as lucky as them?


  1. This is SO SO SO sweet!!!!!!!! *sniffles* You are just amazing Molly, and I look up to you for what you are doing. <3
    You are a blessing to those girls. :)

    keep being awesome!


    1. Aren't they precious? Aww, I'm not that great, love. But thank you!!!
      They are more of a blessing to me <3

      Back at you!


  2. Oh wow, that's so sad, but so wonderful at the same time! I'm so glad that I found your blog. :) It's amazing to see what's happening all the way over there.

    1. I agree. They are beautiful girls. Thank you!!!

      xoxo Molly

  3. This is all so beautiful, Molly. It is amazing how frivolous our prayers sound when compared to those of these girls. I wish I could hug every single one of them. Including you. You will most certainly be involved in this embrace. Maybe it can be a group hug?
