Friday, September 13, 2013

an apology // photo dump

Well hello there, long time, no see, huh?
I promise you I meant to post more while I was in Uganda, and now that I'm home.
And... that didn't happen.
It has now been over a month since I posted... Sorry!!!!
I'd love to say it's because I was in another country for a month so it took me awhile to settle in and make a bunch of dumb excuses.
But it's not, I've had plenty of time to "settle in".
Honestly, I'm just stuck.
Stuck for ideas, stuck for what to post. I just don't even know what to write.
I know I should tell stories, but I didn't even tell stories when I came home because all my family had already heard them all.
I cannot even think of a good story to tell!
That's just sad.
So hopefully I'll actually start posting again in the next few days if I think of something.

Until then, I leave with some A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. pictures of the sweetest kids in the world:

These kids are my loves, my world, being with them makes me heart full, leaving them makes my heart shatter, and being apart from them breaks my heart more and more until I see them again.


  1. Aw, so cute. :) It's wonderful that you can minister and be with them.

  2. I so completly see how you can fall in love with them--they are amazing.

    1. Definitely, absolutely gorgeous children. Love them to death.

  3. Aww, they are so cute!! :)


  4. I tagged you for the Elegant Blogger Award!

    1. Hey Hannah, I don't think I'll be doing it on this blog, this one is really mainly for people in my life to read about my Uganda journeys, if it helps, I already did it on my other blog, :)
