Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I'm not that great.

There's something I get a lot.
Something I hear almost every time I mention Uganda.
Every time I talk about it.

People tell me how great it is that I do that,
and what a great person I am.

I love compliments as much as the next person, but it kind of makes me cringe.

I'm NOT that great.

God is great, and I pray that he does great things through me and Future Hope Ministries, but honestly I'm not that great.

I go to Uganda because I love it there, I love the kids, the people and everything about it.

When people tell me how "selfless" I am for doing it, I feel like I'm taking a compliment that is not rightfully mine.

I feel more selfish than selfless, honestly, they give me more than I could ever repay them for.

I don't feel like I give these kids that much, but the love and joy they give me is incredible and unbelievable.

I come and I play with the kids and love on them, and honestly, have the time of my life.

I love them so much, but I feel like that's all I have to offer.

The kids that call me "auntie" or "sister", in a way, they've adopted me into their family.

Even the people there thank me for what I do, but I never feel like I did that much.

I don't feel like I deserve the compliments I get.

I'm really not doing that much, sure I went to a third-world country for a month, but I wasn't sacrificing much, I LOVE it there, God allows me to go to a place I love and feel at home,
I hope and pray that God touched their lives through me, but in the end, I didn't do much.
I feel like I'm getting all the glory for what God did.

So I want to tell you right now that it's all because of God that I went to Uganda.
That we had the money for the flight,
that we made it there safely, 
that I got to spend time with those amazing children,
and if any lives were touched in the time I spent in Uganda,
It's all because of Him.

Not the best photo by any means, but I felt like I should put it on here


  1. I just wanna hug you sometimes, you know? You go and post something like this and it makes me just wanna squeeze you and hold you close and be like, "Hey, I know this person. We're pretty tight buds. She's totally awesome, which makes me cool just for knowing her."

  2. I'm so glad you are enjoying all this joy that's around! You almost made me cry!
