Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My sweet girls.

Often when I think of what I'll do and who I'll see while I'm in Uganda, I think of Sascu, chasing the kids around, playing hide and seek, and teaching them other games.

But the last few days, my thoughts have been in Jinja.

My love ♥

With my babies, the little ones that I adore. Hugging, tickling, kissing, and laughing with them all day long.

Even the little bitty babies that I hold while the others are napping, feeding them bottles and watching them fall asleep in my arms.

The big kids at the children's home, laughing and talking to them, though they only know a few words in English, dancing and playing for hours.

But specifically with two little girls who stole my heart almost a year ago.

Esther and Gift are two sweet little 3 or 4 year old girls who I have called "mine" since last August.

The first time I really met these girls was one day we were walking with the older kids to the baby home because someone had snacks to give them. Esther was losing her shoes so I just held her and Gift was crying a few steps behind us because she didn't want to walk. I held her hand and she stopped crying and walked with me. Since then those two sweet little girls have held my heart.

I adore them, their big brown eyes, their contagious giggles, their sweet shy smiles.

Last year, moments after I walked into the children's home I would say "Where's my Esther?" and she would run up, giggling, and hug my legs. I'd pick her up and spin her around, and attempting to put her down practically turned into a game as she swung her legs up before they hit the ground.

In October I went to the children's home with a few other people who were there at the same time we were, all the kids ran up to the people with me as they already knew them, they had been there longer. 
All but little Gift, who threw her arms around my legs and wouldn't let go.
I hugged her and held her until my arms got so tired I had to put her down. She grabbed onto my hand and followed me around and sat on my lap wherever I went.

The following Sunday at church (Which is held at the children's home as well) they hadn't come out of the house yet and church had already started. I was confused as to why I hadn't seen them but didn't think much of it. They came out with the group of kids who were still inside, they saw me sitting down and both ran over and hugged me. 

Don't get me wrong, there are so many kids in Uganda that I adore, from the babies at Sonrise, to all the kids at Sascu, but these two both have a special place in my heart ♥

My sweet Esther <3
Sadly I don't have a picture of miss Gifty, but I'll post one when I'm in Uganda :)


  1. Aww!! That's so sweet, Molly! And Esther is so cute!

    1. Thank you! And isn't she!? I'm gonna post more pictures of her when I see her again!

      Thanks for reading and commenting! Means a lot!!!

  2. OH. MY. WORD. She is so precious!

    You know I would give anything to go on a missions trip with you, but seriously, you are breaking my heart. Stop it. I don't need these tears.

    I hope you realize you have made a permanent impact on those little young'uns lives. Never forget how important you are. :)

    1. Hahahaha Isn't she!?!?!?! She's cute as a button <3

      I would LOVE for you to come with me sometime <3 Hehe, oh I know, it still shatters my heart every time.

      Aw shucks <3 AHBB, you just made my day, no kidding, I love you!! I'm not that great, they've given me more than I could ever repay them for.

  3. She. Is. Adorable!!! :)
    I have always wanted to go on a mission trip..
    Xox. Kayla

    1. I agree :)
      They're worth it, that's for sure, I hope you can soon!

      Thanks you SO much for reading and commenting!!!
