Tuesday, July 9, 2013

12 days

Less than a month,

 3 Weeks,

21 days.

Until I'm back on a plane to Africa.

Just about 24 hours after that, I'll be stepping on Ugandan soil again.

I'll be back.

Back in my favorite place in the world.

Back to the place my heart calls home.

Where my heart soars.

Where I'm more comfortable than anywhere in the U.S. 

I'll be back in my element.

Whether it be chasing 8 year olds for hours on end,

sitting on the couch talking to the girls at SASCU while they braid my hair,

Or cuddling babies all day long,

I know I'm where I'm supposed to be.

Where I dream to one day truly be home. 

But for now, I'm only 13.

And I can't wait to soak up every second I'm on Ugandan soil.

Every moment I spend with my favorite kids ever. 

Every second I get to hug and kiss the sweet little babies I miss so much.

Every minute spent with our amazing Ugandan friends <3

It's SO unreal to think that I'll be back in 3 weeks.

The last 2 weeks have flown by. 

I just hope the next 3 will as well!! 

It feels like it was just yesterday that I typed that quickly and ended up deciding for some reason or another, not to post it, seemed repetitive I suppose, but I wanted to put it on here anyway.

That was 9 days ago, I am now 12 days away from getting on a plane to Uganda.

Yes, you heard that right,

12 Days.

Woah. How on Earth did that happen!?

It's certainly beyond me.

I began packing my suitcase on Saturday, trying to decide what and how much I want to take.

Most of our luggage is devoted to stuff we're bringing for people in Uganda, so I'll mostly just have my carry-on.

Part of me is saying

"I'll only be there for a month, how much do I need?"

The other part is still comprehending how long a month is, how long I'll be away from my family.

I've said it once, I'll say it again, this is so unreal.

A little voice in my head is saying I should be nervous.

Except I'm more busy listening to the one that's dancing around and singing 24/7 because it's so stinking excited!

I'm hoping to update from Uganda at least once a week with everything we've been up to, hopefully closer to daily or every other day unless we don't have wifi.

I'm sure there'll be plenty of stories to tell and pictures to see :D

12 days, it's approaching rapidly, and yet it doesn't seem as though it's fast enough.

See you soon, kiddos ♥

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