Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Edrine ~ What a difference a year makes.

Just a few days from now marks one year since Edrine has been home with us in Kentucky, I thought it would be a good time to stop and remember what God has done in the last 16 months that he's been a part of our lives.

August 2012 - the first time we got to meet him.

October 2012 - Back with Daddy...

... And meeting Mommy for the first time.

And he loved stickers. So much.

Our first picture after the judge officially called Edrine part of our family.

December 22nd, 2012 - after a 2 1/2 month long roller coaster ride, it all led up to this: Our first picture ALL together as a family.

December 29th, 2012 - Just a few days later, he saw snow for the first time!

Guess he didn't mind the cold after all. (Now he would say "Because I'm a tough guy")

January 2013 - Edrine has... interesting food choices. This would be a slice of cheese covered in applesauce.

In the months following, Edrine had a lot of "firsts", first time swinging, swimming, and he found a dinosaur costume, so that was awesome:

April 10th 2013 - Edrine celebrated his 6th, and first American birthday! He loved celebrating his birthday, and thought it was positively HYSTERICAL when we were singing to him, which makes for some pretty cute pictures.

May 2013 - He thought the horses at our friend's wedding were just awesome. They were all his favorite.

Edrine & his two best buddies, Zeek & Layla :)
The whole family on our vacation to Florida in June 2013, he never quite warmed up to the ocean, but he really loved the pond/lake right next to it.

Soap bubbles all over the trampoline. :P

The day Edrine officially became Edrine Mark White!

September 2013 - the first time he left a tooth under his pillow. The tooth fairy brought him moneys :)
This was in September I believe, I just find this picture absolutely adorable.

In his favorite Batman jacket, he wears it 24/7, whether it's 30 degrees, or 90.

This was the only picture I have of Edrine on Halloween, but you should see HIS Hulk face, it's perfect.
I drew them "tatoos" & mustaches about a month ago, absolutely no regrets, it was awesome.

Edrine & Sam on Thanksgiving, & yes, he is howling. He's a werewolf.
Edrine just a few days ago, decorating our Christmas tree. 

I know today a year ago certainly wasn't the happiest I've ever been, there was so much uncertainty and craziness (did I just win the award for understatement of the year?), but God came through, and this little man has been HOME for almost a year now, and we get to enjoy Christmas together. 
What a wonderful feeling it is.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

30 in 30

Hey everyone! Today I want to quickly talk about a project I going on RIGHT NOW to help the people of Ghana, West Africa.

My friend Rebecca, who I've had the blessing of talking to and emailing back and forth with for a few months now and has become a huge inspiration for me, is helping build a computer lab/library/art center in Ghana for thousands of children and community members and she really needs your help. She has to raise $30,000 in 30 days to get the Education Center opened and allow the programs to begin. If you help out, thousands will have access to the amazing life-changing programs they have planned. 

Here's what Rebecca said the first day of 30 in 30, and a quick overview of what she's up to:

  • Last January I ran a 20 day fundraiser called 20for20 where I asked people to donate $20 in honor of my 20th birthday, hoping to raise $20,000 to fund the entire construction of the Education Center. In 20 days we raised over $12,000
  • I spent this past summer in Ghana and in 2.5 months the entire physical structure of the Center was built
  • In September we had a beautiful building standing, but no money to continue
  • We added up the costs needed to finish and open the Center and they equaled $30,000
  • move to Ghana in January and would love to have enough money to get right to work when I arrive
  • I love being challenged and am pretty competitive, the bigger the better
  • All of that led me to create……

30 in 30 began on November 27th and we've fallen WAY behind, would you be willing to donate something to help get the Education Center up and running? 
Guess what, there's even stuff in it for you, go check it out!

I'll leave you with some pictures of some of the cute kids who will be able to attend the Education Center once it opens, maybe their sweet face will prompt you to give more ;)

{for more information on Rebecca's journey to Ghana and more info on the Education Center, click here}

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving with us.

There were a lot of people. We had name tags :P

Edrine jumping off the stairs.

Family gathered around to watch Edrine jump down the stairs. It's a big deal.

I am unashamed of the number of selfies taken today.

I love my crazy family :)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Stand out

I want to be the one to stand out.

I want to be the one to represent.

To be the one who sits in the front row because I'm eager to learn.

To be the one who is expressive during worship and doesn't care who sees.

Who knows people are watching, and embraces it, not shies away from it.

To talk to new people and lets them know that they're welcome.

The one who prays out loud when it's quiet and speaks my mind,

wanting to be taught more about my God.

I don't want to be quiet!

I want to be the light to a dark and broken world.

I want to serve my God.

I want people to look at me and they see Jesus.

They see love, to my God and to everyone around me.

Compassion and care to the least of these ALL over the world.

I want people to be touched when they hear me speak,

and they know,

beyond a shadow of a doubt,

that I am a Christ-follower,

that I belong to him and speak his name.

I want to be different.

I want to stand out.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Letters to my loves {Witness}

Dear Witness,

How are you, love?

I remember last October, when you would stay by my side, hold my hand, and hug me.

I remember the way you would say quietly "Will you take me to America with you?"
 I remember it breaking my heart every time you asked that, whispering back "I wish I could"

I remember the day we left, you were one or the only kids around, hugging you tight and saying "I'm gonna miss you so much", and trying not to cry.
Coming very close when you said quietly "I'm gonna miss you too"

I remember the first time we pulled in to Sascu just a few months ago, you were there, hugging you tight as soon as I saw you.

You're not much for talking, not that I think you could say much in English if you were.

You're shy, but one of the sweetest little girls I know.

I remember the time I saw you sitting by the rail, painting.
You're eight years old, love, you didn't have to do that, but you did anyway.

I love your smile, Witness. Bright, shining smile that makes me want to smile back. 

I miss your sweet, shy, quiet, loving personality.
I miss your hugs and playing games that you taught me.
I even miss you laughing at me when I did it wrong ;)

I love you, Witness, I can't wait to see you again.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Letters to my loves {Angel}

Dear Angel,

Oh, where to begin with you, my love?

I so very clearly remember the first day I met you, you held my hand, followed me around, sat in my lap, and stole my heart, even Harry said he'd take you home in a heartbeat.
You were a sweet and sassy little thing, and you and Shanita made quite the pair!

Flash forward to three months later and I see you again.

You spent days with us at Innocent's house, you added so much laughter and smiles and sweetness to our everyday.

I remember hearing you and Edrine chattering away in some language I didn't understand.
I'm pretty sure you two were plotting.

I remember the day Edrine was throwing a fit, so I turned on my laptop and we took selfies for half an hour.

You were there through some pretty tough days.

You are an adorable, sassy, sweet little girl.

I so wanted to see you in August, but we never did.

I hope you're happy at home, love. I know you're where you need to be.

I adore you, baby girl, I miss you oh so very much.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Letters to my loves {the twins}

Dear Sophie,

How are you, my little firecracker?

Probably as smart as always, which is about as smart as a 6 year old can be.

I mean really, how many Ugandans are there that skip a grade, and 6 year olds whose handwriting is better than mine??? Okay, so maybe it doesn't take much, but still.

I miss your shy smile, misleading as it may be, 
because once we got you talking, you did not stop!

You amazed us with bilingual talent, translating for kids nearly twice your age? That's about as impressive as it gets!

You were always by my side, and I loved every second of it, my precious girl.

You were our go-to girl when we had a question, you knew it all!

I miss your hugs, and the way you would sit next to us all day everyday,
 I miss your quiet voice, asking questions all day long, 
I love you sweet girl, I miss you so.


Dear Wasswa,

Hey little buddy, what's up?

Fastest kid I know, and about as athletic as it gets.

My shy little friend, getting you to warm up to me took a few days, but it was sooo worth it.

You are shy, so I might have never noticed, but you must be pretty darn smart too, since you skipped a grade too.

I miss watching you play football [soccer], you're fast, and so talented.

You ran everywhere, you flipped and jumped, getting you to stop moving wasn't easy.

I'd catch you, and get few words out of you before you were off again.

You weren't much for talking.

I miss your smile and your laugh, I hadn't seen those much before,
I miss the way you'd run over and grab my hand, I asked "Are you my buddy?" 
and your smile as you whispered "yes!"
I love you little buddy, I can't wait to see you again. 


Thursday, October 3, 2013


Few things make me happier than making someone smile,

So when I see my loves smiling at me, it's one of the best feelings in the world

To know that I can make them smile, that my being there makes them happy...

It's the most amazing thing I've ever experienced.

Do you love their smiles as much as I do?

Their smiles make my world go round ♥