Saturday, October 5, 2013

Letters to my loves {the twins}

Dear Sophie,

How are you, my little firecracker?

Probably as smart as always, which is about as smart as a 6 year old can be.

I mean really, how many Ugandans are there that skip a grade, and 6 year olds whose handwriting is better than mine??? Okay, so maybe it doesn't take much, but still.

I miss your shy smile, misleading as it may be, 
because once we got you talking, you did not stop!

You amazed us with bilingual talent, translating for kids nearly twice your age? That's about as impressive as it gets!

You were always by my side, and I loved every second of it, my precious girl.

You were our go-to girl when we had a question, you knew it all!

I miss your hugs, and the way you would sit next to us all day everyday,
 I miss your quiet voice, asking questions all day long, 
I love you sweet girl, I miss you so.


Dear Wasswa,

Hey little buddy, what's up?

Fastest kid I know, and about as athletic as it gets.

My shy little friend, getting you to warm up to me took a few days, but it was sooo worth it.

You are shy, so I might have never noticed, but you must be pretty darn smart too, since you skipped a grade too.

I miss watching you play football [soccer], you're fast, and so talented.

You ran everywhere, you flipped and jumped, getting you to stop moving wasn't easy.

I'd catch you, and get few words out of you before you were off again.

You weren't much for talking.

I miss your smile and your laugh, I hadn't seen those much before,
I miss the way you'd run over and grab my hand, I asked "Are you my buddy?" 
and your smile as you whispered "yes!"
I love you little buddy, I can't wait to see you again. 



  1. Stop it. Stop making me cry with all of this cuteness. It is not fair. You really should have an icon at the top of these posts that warns you not to continue reading unless you have a box of tissues at hand.

    1. Aww Heather!! Haha, alright, I'll keep that in mind!!! For future reference, there are more of these posts to come... ;)

  2. Aw, those are so sweet :) They sound like lovely children.

  3. I love this. What an amazing opportunity to be able to connect with Ugandans.

    1. Thank you!! It SO is, I'm thankful for the amazing opportunity I have everyday <3
