Monday, September 10, 2012

Wasn't expecting another "gift"

We've been back from Uganda 3 weeks now.

Let's just say I wasn't quite expecting another Ugandan "gift" by now. 

But last Monday when Granjan got home from Uganda (She stayed another 2 weeks after we left) I noticed something for the first time really on the corner of my toe.

I was looking at it and wondering what it was, so I asked Granjan to look at it.

After a few minutes she said "Well it kinda looks like a jigger"

Say What!?

Jiggers are little bugs in Uganda that bury themselves in your feet.

We (not me, Granjan, Cameron, and Lori) helped to remove them from kids feet in one of the villages.

[Photo by Rileigh Shanks]

The kids getting jiggers removed

[Photo by Rileigh Shanks]
(waiting to get jiggers out, looooong line)

I'll admit, my first thought was "No way we've been back long enough, we would have noticed it by now!"

But over the next week I started to believe it.

And I must say my toe didn't look pretty....

We were at Granjan's house this week so she decided to get it out.

I didn't watch, yuch.


But really, I wasn't gonna watch that!

My cousins were all excited and their face were about a foot from my toe.

My aunt just about threw up watching.

And yes, it was a jigger. nbd

My cousin videoed the whole thing, I still didn't watch it.

But if you want to see it I can get you the video, loljk

We're not that close

JK, it was just gross

I got the play-by-play

Although every time they said something I was just like "Didn't need that! I'm good without knowing!"

I really couldn't feel it most of the time she got it out

Until she used her nail to make sure she got everything out, uh ow!

(My feet today, after the jigger was out)

I didn't take a picture of just my toe because, well it still does not look wonderful.

But you can kinda see that little dark spot on the corner of my big toe on my right foot. (Click the picture to enlarge it)

That would be the hole where the jigger was just yesterday.

Hope I didn't gross you out too much with this post, just wanted to share one of the joys of Uganda!

Speaking of which, anyone wanna buy me a plane ticket to Uganda?

C'mon, please! My birthday is in 2 months!

Ugh fine :(

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