Friday, August 31, 2012

They need YOUR help!!!

Today I wanted to tell you about the precious, sweet children at Save Street Children Uganda (The orphanage my newest little brother is at right now)

These kids were the sweetest

Most loving

Moat adorable kids who just wanted be loved

One of the little girls holding Austin's hand
You'd have a small mob following you around pretty much all the time <3 

 Harry playing soccer with the kids

All of the kids loved having their picture taken!
Harry with a small group of the sweet kids
They all loved to be around you Alllll the time!

Now comes in what this post is really about

Most of the kids (About 76 in all) are school-aged, meaning it cost quite a bit to send all the kids to school!

 We sent them a good amount of money on Wednesday for school fees 

Innocent (The man who runs SSCU) called Dad yesterday morning (via Skype) in tears thanking him and told him he had been upset earlier in the week because he wouldn't be able to send any of the kids to school this year. Then later when we called to talk to Edrine a bunch of the kids were in his office and they were thanking mom and dad for sending them to school! 

But here's the catch: The money we sent only covers half of the kids.

That's where you come in!

They still need $1,700 to send the rest of the kids, by tomorrow.

That may seem like a BIG goal but remember, we have an even BIGGER GOD!

So what are you waiting for!? These kids need YOUR help!!!!

How can you say "No" to those smiles?????

Don't YOU want to be able to say that YOU helped send one these precious, beautiful, loving, sweet, incredible children to school?

I know you do!

So c'mon guys!

EVERY cent of every donation will go straight to sending these children to school!!!

Contact me or my mom ASAP if you want help!!!

PS If you've already donated, you can still do more! Share it on Facebook and Twitter! Tell your friends! We may have a big goal, but we can do it!!!

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