Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I left my heart behind

We got back from Uganda yesterday at about 6:30.

It was the most amazing experience of my life, I love it SO much! <3

I couldn't have asked for this trip to have gone even a tiny bit better, It was everything I could have ever hoped for and SO SO SO much more!!! 

To say I loved it and had a great time would be the understatement of the century!

I can't even put into words how much I LOVED being there, it was way too incredible!

And as for having a good time, I didn't, I had an AMAZING time, A fantastic, incredible, wonderful, absolutely best time of my LIFE!

And I miss it so much.

I want to be back more than anything in the world! The only reason I could stand leaving was because I missed my family, if they were there I never EVER would have wanted to leave!!

I loved it more than I could ever describe! I miss being there SO much!

I miss the people's gorgeous smiles.

I miss the the children's laughs.

I miss all of the amazing people we met there.

Damali, Aisha, Nelly, Isma, Scovia, The Boys (Moses #1 and 2, Andrew, Charles, Abdu, Paul, and Joshua)   Sylvia, Shammie, Kate, Zai, Rita, and all of the other incredible people I met in the 2 weeks we were there.

I miss the giggle-box babies.

Rebecca and Luke, James and John, Ibra, Musa, Nathan, Kevin, Babs, Sue, Sheila, Shivan, David, Shanita, Gift, Massie, Matthew, Michael, Bethany, Jolie, Phillip and, Tres

I miss every one of the sweet sweet sweet children.

Esther (She's mine, don't get any ideas), Gifty (she's mine too), Cathy and Junior, Edwin, Miko, Stella, Gerald, Brenda, Ian, Anisha,  Sanyu, And all the other kids that I'm forgetting <3

I miss hearing "Mzungu, Mzungu!" everywhere we went.

And Boy-oh-boy do I miss my sweet yet oh-so mischievous little brother Edrine :'(

I miss it all so much!!!

I'll have a ton of pictures up soon, sorry for not posting anything during the trip, I never really had anywhere to post, especially anything with pictures :(


  1. Oh Molly! I can't wait to hear your stories:)

  2. We missed you a ton, Molly! Can't wait to hear more!!
