Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Send them with Future Hope Ministries!

Hey so remember those kids at Save Street Children Uganda that we were trying to get to school???

Every one of those kids is going to school!!!

Yippee!!!! God is good!!!

But the needs don't stop there! 

Right now there is a serious need for clothes!

So if any of you have clothes or know anyone who would have any summer clothes they have out-grown or don't want anymore please please please let us know!!!

We need sizes 6-Small adult (although if you have clothes smaller than that we can find use for those too! :))

It is hot all year there, but they do wear long sleeves and sweaters so ANYTHING is appreciated!

If you can even donate 1 or 2 items that would help a lot!!

There are 70 kids who need clothes so we really need your help!! 

We CAN do this!! If God helped us get these kids to school than we can get clothes!

Share with everyone you know!!!

In the words of Harry "Goodwill is for squares! Send them with Future Hope Ministries!" (notice I gave you credit for the quote Harry?)

If you don't have clothes to donate (or even if you do!) the next need is for prayer that we get plenty of clothes!

Thanks to everyone!


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