Monday, April 29, 2013

*82 days*

Today I opened my iPod with a notification from my "countdown" app.

"3 months to Uganda trip!"

Oh my, oh my. 

90 days from today I'll be back on a plane to my favorite place on the planet!!!

I check my iPod multiple times a day just to remind myself how much longer.

90 days isn't truly that long, but it feels like eternity.

it seems so long to wait to see the little ones I love so dearly again.

I'm so excited for everything we have planned for this July/August!!!



The days in between are flying by.....

and yet ticking by ever so slowly.

Wasn't it 105 days yesterday?

Obviously I meant to post about it at 90 days.

I glance down at my countdown and suddenly it's 82 days.

I'm SO thankful that I get to go back to beautiful Uganda so soon!!!!

Me and Granjan will be staying there for a month, teaching sewing, playing with babies, dancing with kids, doing crafts, and so much more!

(Just saying, your grandma will never be as cool as mine)

We'll get to spend good amounts of time in both Jinja and Kampala.

We're teaching sewing at a girls' home in Jinja.

And of course my time in Jinja will be spent loving on my babies, a lot. :)

In Kampala we'll get to spend time hanging out with the SASCU kids.

Granjan is planning tons of different crafts and games and I can't wait to see all of them again!!

I can't believe how incredibly blessed I am go to Uganda for a month, 2 weeks is great, but a month filled with nonstop love and fun is more than I could ask for!!
I adore Uganda with all that I am, I long to be there, always.
To be with the little ones all day long.
Covered in dirt and sweat, holding multiple babies at once, sounds like the most amazing place in the world.
Uganda holds my heart is almost nonstop on my thoughts.

We got to go see the Watoto children's choir last night and it made me quite homesick <3
It was a BEAUTIFUL performance with 20 or so Ugandan children sharing their stories and their incredible gifts with us.

We talked to Innocent and a few of the SASCU children on Skype today and they asked me when I was coming back, it's SO amazing to get to tell them Soon!! 
Miss Sophia was so excited when we told her she had a sponsor! Innocent told us she was doing very well in school, so proud of our girl <3

Sophie and Isaiah <3
Me and Henry :D
Visiting the Primary children at school!!
Olivia, Witness, Me, Maria, "Mommy Laura", Irene, and "Daddy Mark"

We got to visit some of the Secondary kids as well!! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

One million minus one.

153,000,000 orphans

The number is overwhelming and could very well be higher.

That number does not include abandoned children. 


That's enough to make us want to drop everything.
There's so much we can't do.

But there's so much we can do.

We can save the life of one.

Although it may not seem like much, that is one more child.

Some people may say that it's not worth it to save one child, there are millions!

But that is a million - minus one.

Every child matters, the Lord cares about every. single. child. as an individual, why shouldn't we?

Every single child deserves to know what love is, every one of them deserves to know that Jesus loves them, and that no matter what, he always will. They deserve to know that they are not just another face in the crowd, that someone cares about them for who they are.

Would you be willing to let them know that? Would you be the one that shows them the love of Jesus?

You can change the life of one child today.

You can sponsor a child, and show them that love.

Show them that someone loves them, it will give them hope, to know that someone cares about them.

You will be providing safety, which is huge, inside those walls, the kids are safe. Safety is a luxury most children don't have. Out on the streets, they are afraid to go to sleep, but inside those walls, they know they are protected from any harm that could come to them.

You can give them an education.

With an education, these kids have the potential to do amazing things.

They can be the ones to change the poverty that is all around them, to be the leaders and adults their nations need.

Sponsorship is more than just "Send us a check and we'll take care of it", you will matter in the life of one of these kids.

You can have a personal relationship with your child, to remind them everyday how much you care about them, and to show them that someone loves them, and that they mean something to you. To show them that  no matter what anyone has told them, that they do matter, and that you believe they are worth something.

Thousands will die today, that's no small thing, that's no small number, but isn't every child worth saving? Don't you think it's worth it to have them know they are more than "just another child"?

One million starts with one.

Click here to get involved in the life of a child today.