Tuesday, November 6, 2012


As we sit and wait for what seems like decades, sometimes I feel like stopping and asking,


"Why us?"

"Why now?"

"Why would this happen to a.n.y.b.o.d.y.?"

"Why would we have to wait 2 1/2 years, finally get a child, and have this happen!?"

I think there has got to be a good reason.

But truth be told, I realize I truly know the answer to that question, even if I don't like it.

The answer is Satan.

Satan does. not. want. these children taken care of.

He doesn't want them in loving homes.

He doesn't want them to be loved, happy, and protected for the rest of their lives.

And he will do everything he can to stop that from happening.

As I come to that realization, I remember something else.

Satan isn't in control.

GOD is in control.

Of everything.

Of every situation.

And God has a plan.

I know who's in charge.

And it's not the devil.

God won this battle, before we knew anything of it.

Before it had even begun.

I know he will get us through it.

I know God already has this taken care of.

I know my little brother will come home with us.

I know it.

How do I know that?

Because Satan doesn't want these kids loved.

But God does.

He want every child in a loving home.

And again, God is in control.

Satan is not.

It's really that simple.

Although sometimes that's hard to remember. Right now that's all we know. But that's all we NEED to know!

Thank you Thank you Thank you to everyone praying for us right now.

Pretty sure it's the only thing keeping us from losing our minds :)

Oh! And before I forget, Zai's surgery was moved to today so PLEASE pray Isaiah!!!!

The funds aren't completely covered but I know God will provide! (Please continue to donate if you can)

Thank you to everyone who has donated!

(I don't know who has right now so just thank you to everyone :) )

Just keep praying!


  1. I'm praying. And keep fighting the good fight, Molly. Hang in there!

  2. Praying Molly! Remember Jeremiah 29:11, God has good plans!

    Love you girly!

  3. Proud to be your Momma sweet girl!
