Thursday, November 1, 2012

Please help this precious treasure!

This is Isaiah ("Zai") 

He is a 4 yr old boy at SASCU. (Edrine's old orphanage)

He is super sweet and incredibly precious.

This little cutie NEEDS YOUR HELP! 

Zai had something TERRIBLE happen to him at some point in his life.

Someone (no one knows who) for some unknown reason (Ugh, there is seriously no good way to put this) cut off his entire "boy parts".

Does that not just make you want to puke/cry/both!?

He is having a surgery on Monday to create an opening so that he can empty his bladder effectively and reduce the risk of life-threatening infections and to protect his kidneys.

The orphanage he is at does not have the resources to pay for the procedure.

We are asking for donations to help pay for this surgery and the many to come.

This will be Longgg road for little Zai, getting over this physically and emotionally. 

Every time I think of this beautiful, sweet, precious, amazing little boy, I'm always close to or in tears because of his terrible situation.

Please please please please pray for this little one and consider donating any amount at all to help him.

Also share his story to everyone you know.

THANK you to everyone that has shared it on FB already! We need everyone to share it and spread the word!!!

It is honestly a miracle little Zai has lived this long without getting an infection.

The Lord has protected this precious child's life up until now and I am sure he has great plans for Zai in the future!

We also work closely with this organization and are positive that any money donated to help Zai will go directly to him and will not be used inappropriately. 

Please help, I mean how can you POSSIBLY resist that smile!?

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