Friday, November 2, 2012

Miscellaneous Uganda

***Read: A bunch of completely random pictures from our trip that really don't go together at all, all in one blog post*** (That didn't fit in the title)

Uncle Inno, Edrine, and Daddy in their smart clothes. 

*Dog comes around corner*
Mom: Oh we have to get a picture for Harry
*Hands me her phone*
Me: Stanky!!!!!!
*Runs to where she walked away and takes a terrible picture blurry picture because she wouldn't stop* 
Edrine and I on the swing at Flavours (He walked away and came back with our sodas, haha)
Me with little Sue! (AKA Sue-Sue/Sooki)

Dad snuggling with Kevin. (He has gotten SO BIG he's WALKING!!!!)
Me, Agre, Lindsey, and Babs. Our first day in Jinja we went to her house to bring her some presents from home, fun times!

Edrine break-dancing with his backpack on :)

sitting in the shade under a pretty tree with pretty flowers at the guest house in Entebbe on the first day

This is NooNoo (yes, that's her name...) She is one of the kids who hangs out at SASCU sometimes, she's CRAZY, and I mean that quite literally, at one point she acted like.. well it can only be described as something like a rabid bunny.

Henry's Tom and Jerry picture... Jerry makes sense, I'm not really sure what Tom is doing...

I just had to put this picture in, this is the sign for the bathroom at one of the restaurants we went to, it's lit up, and it moves. xDDD

So that's all folks!

A bunch of pictures that don't go together, fun stuff :)

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