Thursday, July 24, 2014

It's Time

34 cents a day.

What can you do with 34 cents a day??

I'm headed back to Uganda in roughly 6 weeks, but for now, here's a guest post from my mom, giving you a good idea of how you can change the world and future for someone, for only 34 cents a day...


You know those thoughts that you have… 

the ones you push back down… 

because you don’t want to be too pushy or offensive.  

You don’t want to come across as being too “negative” (when really its just your heart that’s breaking.)  

You don’t want to “bring people down” (when its just children’s lives at risk.)

Have you been there?? 
 I have. 
Over and over again in the past 5 years.

5 years.  
Has it really been that long since God broke in to my safe little world and started breaking my heart?  
It seems like yesterday and it seems like a lifetime.

It started out innocent enough.  

Just a few rag dolls.  

A fun mother-daughter project. 
 I didn’t realize that it would change my life.  Change the direction of our entire family.  That’s God for ya!  
Using the small things to create big change.

Our hearts have been broken, but we’ve repeatedly told stories of hope.  

 The pain is real, but so is hope.  

After reeling from push back early in our journey, we’ve held back.  
We’ve shared mostly the good parts, 
trying to inspire people to help.
But maybe its time for a reality check.

The reality is that there are plenty of problems in the world. 
 All you have to do is turn on the TV or computer and its overwhelming.  
School girls are abducted from their classes; their parents die of grief or at the hands of the kidnappers. 
 Planes disappear, and fall out of the sky.  
Wars rage, while innocent children are caught in the cross fire.  
Natural disasters continue to destroy lives and dreams.

It’s real.  But it’s not hopeless. 

These words from Ann Voskamp resonated deep in my heart this week.  
“there is enough loveliness, enough beauty, enough peace, enough love in this world — enough food in this world —- if we would just share?

And not the royal we.   
What if I shared.  
What if you shared.  
Even if just our excess.  
It would change the world for one or two or more.

So, I’ve concluded its time to be a little more blunt.  A little more direct.  
It’s time.

I was asked this week what our most pressing need is at Future Hope Ministries.  
The reality is that its money.  
That’s not romantic.  Its not inspirational.  
But its reality.  
It takes money to feed our kids and pay for their safe place to live.  It takes money to pay their school fees and pay our incredible staff in Uganda.  It takes money to be able to help children in the community who have little hope without outside help.

But if we work together 
(and by “we” I mean every follower of Jesus, everyone who claims to be a child of God. Or any other compassionate person.)
We can be the answers this world desperately needs.

So here’s the hard reality.  
We have about 50 community kids currently enrolled at Future Hope Nursery and Primary School.  
Of those, probably 40 haven’t paid any or all of their school fees.  
This semester fees were really cheap, and they will stay inexpensive by our standards,
 but if you have nothing… 
or if the choice is eating the next meal or school fees… 
cheap/inexpensive is still unattainable.

We have difficult choices to make.  
Our teachers still need to be paid.  
We still have to buy food.  All of our kids eat two meals at school.  
(Community kids often don’t eat two meals in two days.)  
And, the money has to come from somewhere.  
If not, 
then students will have to be sent home—uneducated and hungry.
 Teachers will have to be fired.   

What does this have to do with you??  

It costs 34 cents a day to educate and feed one child.

34 cents!

What can you do with 34 cents?  Buy part of a candy bar? 

But 34 cents a day can change the entire future of a child.

The reality is that without an education they will never leave the slum they were born in. 

Any hopes they have now will die the slow death of reality.

But, we have a chance to change that.  
Keep their hopes and dreams alive. 
 Create ripples that can change lives and communities.
For 34 cents a day.

It’s time. 

These kids are real and they matter!    

They have names and their own stories.    

They didn’t choose to be born in a slum in Kampala instead of Kentucky.

Neither did you… 
Each of us on this side of the ocean have been blessed with abundance & plenty!!
What are we going to do with it?
We have the resources to change lives and futures.
What are you going to choose to do about it? 

What are you going to do with 34 cents a day?  

Visit our website for more information about our story and ministry.

And, consider making a difference.  You can sign up to educate and feed TWO children for just $20 a month.  34 cents per child per day.  
Visit our online store at 

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