Can someone remind me?
Why am I here when I could be cuddling babies at Sonrise or chasing kids at SASCU?
I can't stand not being there.
I never thought I'd miss it this bad.
Crying as I scroll through pictures of my babies, tears every time I think of them.
Hearing about the kids at SASCU, looking at pictures on my computer, it all brings me to tears.
A day doesn't go by that I don't spend thinking about them.
My heart aches more and more everyday I'm not there.
I miss it so much. Everyday I want to go back more and more.
Summer seems so far away. Does someone want to take me now? Pretty pretty pretty please??????
I miss it more than I EVER thought I would.
I never thought I'd fall so deeply in love.
I never thought I'd spend every free moment thinking about them.
I never thought I'd cry every time I talked about them.
But it happened.
My heart is broken. Shattered.
Everyday I feel more and more called back.
It's where I want to be.
Forever? I don't know, I'd absolutely love to, but that's in God's hands and is a long ways away.
I don't know a lot of things, all I know is that I'm in love.
Uganda, you hold my heart <3